Friday, November 14, 2008

Regret and Forgiveness

Mistakes. People make them, and others don't understand. When do people think it's okay to pass judgement or expect people to not make mistakes? The only perfect person that has ever lived was Jesus Christ. Beyond that people make mistakes.

I am troubled with a situation. A friend of mine came to me with a problem, she also told a few others, who didn't react the way she thought they would. Some people believe that you shouldn't give blanket forgiveness in fear of it looking like acceptance.

I would like to bring in exhibit A. If you read 2 Samuel you will come across the story of David and Bathsheba. When David committed the crime of adultery he wanted to cover it up, and then when he couldn't he had the husband of Bathsheba killed so he could take her as his wife. Although David made this mistake he is still looked at as the most spiritual/Godly person in the Old Testament. My point is, when David first committed the sin, he wasn't sorry for it. It wasn't until later when he had to face the consequences of his actions was he repetitive for his sin.

So I close this post with this....I cannot pass judgment on this situation because I've been there. And at this point in the game, I didn't fully understand the consequences of my sin, but later I did and I repented. Therefore I will be here for my friend and I will listen and encourage until she is at a point to understand the consequences. And then I will be there when she needs to repent and move on. I encourage others to do the same. I don't approve of the sin, nor do I accept it as being okay, but I will give forgiveness to someone that needs it and needs God guidance at this time.

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